Radar: Ali Lohan has lost so much weight, she “looks like a death camp survivor”

Ali Lohan turns 18 years old on the 22nd. That’s apparently “the reason” for Lindsay Lohan and Ali’s cracked-out jaunt to Hawaii for a week – they were celebrating Ali’s birthday early. And, as we found out in Ali’s Page Six Magazine interview, they were probably also celebrating Ali’s “graduation” from “high school.” She doesn’t go to high school – she’s “home schooled” in between following her crackhead sister and her boozehound mother around like a lost soul. If Ali had been raised by wolves, she probably would have been better off than being raised by this pack of crackies.

Anyway, just minutes after arriving at LAX from Hawaii, LL and Ali celebrated their return by going to a Jay-Z concert. Ali was photographed leaving the event – these are the photos. Radar’s crack team of experts looked at these photos and they decided that Ali is starving herself. It’s not the most outlandish theory:

As Lindsay Lohan spent yet another week flaking on work obligations, frolicking on the beach and appearing in court, her little sister Ali has sparked concern again by losing even more weight, and RadarOnline.com has photos of her downward spiral.

The teenage model appeared to be literally wasting away when she attended the Jay-Z concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles with the troubled Mean Girls star on Tuesday night, and experts worry that she is putting her health at serious risk.

“She looks like a death camp survivor,” nutritionist Majid Ali (who has not treated the star) told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview. “It appears as if she is wasting away as her body chews up muscle looking for fuel.”

At 5’8 1/2″, Majid thinks that Ali is severely malnourished and estimates her weight to be 90 lbs at the most.

“It seems more like a starvation diet than binging and purging,” he explained.

The younger Lohan turns 18 on December 22, but her gaunt face, sunken cheeks and ashy complexion make her look much older than her years.

“Malnutrition will prematurely age her,” the nutritionist revealed. “It tears down tissue collagen and leads to wrinkles, poor skin, limp hair and bad nail quality.”

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, the sisters hit the beach in Hawaii last week to attend the Pipeline Masters surfing competition, and while Lindsay showed off her ample curves in a bikini, Ali’s baggy shorts barely clung to her bony hips.

[From Radar]

Well… I do think she’s gotten really thin. I don’t know if she’s starving herself, I don’t know if she has some kind of eating disorder, I don’t know if she’s on her big sister’s old diet of Adderall and booze, I don’t know if she just had some kind of huge growth spurt and her metabolism is all out of whack… your guess is as good as mine. Whatever is happening, my guess is that it’s partially a cry for help. She probably doesn’t even know that, she probably doesn’t even recognize that in herself. But I feel like Ali’s gaunt appearance is saying to the world, “Look at me. I’m here too.” It’s sad. And she’s going to be pimped out by her mother too.

PS… Ali’s stopped messing with her lips, right? Look at her upper lip – it’s deflated. Thank God.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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87 Responses to “Radar: Ali Lohan has lost so much weight, she “looks like a death camp survivor””

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  1. brin says:

    I saw a picture of her in Hawaii and her lips were huge, I didn’t recognize her. It’s kind of like Bey’s bump….one day is there, the next day it’s not.

  2. Kelly says:

    Poor kid. Someone adopt her.

  3. Linnythepooh says:

    This nutritionist should brush up his history. Although she is skinny, she looks fat compared to a death camp survivor.

    • Cherry says:

      Actually, I think it’s rather offensive to compare an over-dieting teenage starlet with Holocaust survivors. This chick is thin by choice. People in the death camps were starved to death.

      • Samigirl says:

        I agree with Cherry. I was thoroughly offended when I saw that. She is skin and bones, but as you pointed out, it’s by choice. These death camp survivors definitely weren’t skin and bones by choice.

      • Seagulls says:

        She certainly has more food available than has any inmate in any prison camp, ever, but with the psychiatric damage her upbringing has wrought, I’m not sure she’s in control of her eating, either.

      • gillie says:

        Not to be persnicketty, but there were and are other death camps globally that have nothing to do with the Holocaust. I read nothing that mentioned “Holocaust” in the statement.

      • Cherry says:

        @Gillie: I thought that was implied. But either way, I think this is an offensive comparison, whatever death camp they intended.

      • Christine says:

        Totally agree. Survivors are like skeletons with skin over them. Not druggie wannabe starlet famewhores.

      • theaPie says:

        Absolutely, that was my first thought too! A death camp survivor would not have those nicely filled out legs. You would have been able to see the outline of every bone. And it was done TO them, not BY them.

      • Sandra says:

        Agreed – any weight loss is her starving herself to be a “model” … not a death camp.

      • MyCatLovesTV says:

        It certainly IS offensive but not an uncommon comparison. I was both a student of World War II European history when I was in my 20’s…..and I was also severely anorexic/bulimic. I should not still be alive after nearly 20 years of starvation. I wish I’d never used “death camp survivor” to describe myself when I looked at photos of myself in those days but when you come out of that hell, when you survive years or decades of that illness, you realize that death was never far away at any time. A choice? It starts as a choice but it becomes an obsession and, well, unless you’ve been there, it is hard to explain. Just glad to be here to discuss gossip with all you wonderful people. I’m one of the lucky ones.

    • Alix says:

      The nutritionist seems to be a moron.

  4. Medusa says:

    Her super long neck makes her look even skinnier.

  5. Gradstudenteatinghotpockets says:

    In the picture where she’s turned to the side, she totally looks like Dina.

  6. Aria says:

    Looks like any other runaway model: starving herself to death! Not pretty.

  7. teri says:

    She looks like any other teenager out there.

  8. Kyle says:

    I think she looks lovely. She was litte chubby but now looks great. She is a model so she has to be skinny. Simple.

    • cr says:

      I know that humans come in all shapes and sizes, which is wonderful, but she doesn’t actually have to be that thin, and skeletal isn’t really attractive, for anyone of any gender.’
      @Teri, no she doesn’t look like any other teenager out there.

    • Sapphire says:

      Lovely? Scrawny, malnourished and gawky? Please check your monitor.

    • only1shmoo says:

      Kyle, there are so many things wrong with what you’ve just said, I really don’t know where to begin…

    • novaraen says:

      That girl was never chubby. Ever. She was ok looking a year ago…and now she disappears when she turns sideways.

  9. Quinn says:

    She and Lindsay have the EXACT same legs!! (Ali’s are decidedly skinnier, yes…)

  10. oh dear says:

    that reminds me of a line i read years ago in some book “she wouldnt survive a winter in the highlands”.

  11. TXCinderella says:

    She is really thin, but isn’t that the standard that our society accepts for models?

    • kimberly says:

      “Society standards”

      No it’s called individiual opinion and not living in the sheep world of our society, which you do if you are using society standards as a comment.

      oh my bad you’re from Texas


  12. Zay says:

    Comparing her to death camp survivors is really offensive, as while they had no choice but starve, I still think this girl has a chance to change as long as she wasn’t raised to be fame hungry.

    I feel sorry for her for being so young but I know lot of other young people that prefer to be a ‘loser’ (not famous) than be a sad joke for the world.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      She’s hungrier for fame than the is for food.

      I also find that “death camp” comment offencive.

      • Ruffian9 says:

        “She’s hungrier for fame than the is for food.”

        Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner.

        Poor girl. Toxic family. A (at best) modelling career at the absolute fringe.

  13. sosuzy says:

    She has apparently decided to conform to the “model standard” of our society. unhealthay and unfortunate

  14. normades says:

    “High School Graduation”? It’s like when Lindsay called the time she spent coking it up at the Chateau Marmont her “college years”.

  15. Iheartlasagne says:

    I’m sorry to be cruel, but I think this girl is horribly unattractive, thinner or not so much, and for a “model” she has exhibited no fashion sense at all, ever. Yes, I realize I’m no Charlize or whatever, but I’m also not an aspiring model with what I assume is a decent amount of cash flow/assistance to help me look my best. I just can’t get over how unattractive she is IMHO.

  16. dorothy says:

    Sad. I had hoped she would turn out ok. Apparently not. Poor girl.

  17. Sumodo1 says:

    She doesn’t look like a kid who had a vacation in Hawaii. Ali looks like she spent her vacay doing a grueling model shoot in Berlin.

  18. Zigggy says:


  19. Peachy Kean says:

    Ali’s got the soul-less eyes of Dina Lohan.

  20. Love Angie. says:

    Wonder what Majid Ali thinks of Angelina Jolie..LOL

  21. Dani says:

    A couple of years ago, Lindsay was on death watch. I think this has now switched to her sister.

  22. HookedOnBass says:

    Here’s my theory (and I really, really hope I’m wrong).

    Ali grew up in the shadow of a famous sister, a sister who surrounded herself with sycophants (including Dina) telling her how amazing she was. Poor Ali heard her sister praised over and over for being “pretty” and “talented” and possessing “star quality”. She was never better than Lindsey at anything.
    Except at being thin.

    Lindsay is naturally zaftig. She puts on weight easily, and were it not for the adderall-crack diet I bet Lilo’d have a figure a lot like Kate Dennings: super curvy. Dieting and slenderness are the two things that Ali does better than her sister, so is it any surprise they became so important to her? And now she’s modeling, so she’s surrounded by people telling her she’s beautiful and talented for keeping so thin– all the things she grew up hearing about Lindsay.
    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Ali’s weight dropped dramatically right after Lilo’s Playboy shoot. Weighing in the double-digits is the only way Ali knows how to compete with Lindsay for the affection of her family and the hanger-ons who constitute her social circle.
    Petition to impeach Dina Lohan, anyone?

    • ahoyhoy says:

      Ali’s weight dropped after she got her face chopped up to be a ‘model.’ And that was only after failing at a music career AND attempts to get acting roles.
      This is all Dina. Ali is not naturally model-ANYTHING, neither thin NOR attractive. Her mother has made Ali believe that her only career options are in entertainment or fashion, because those are the jobs that require mommy as manager, so mommy can grift off another daughter for a living.

      Dina is a monster.

      • Bess says:

        I believe this is all Dina’s doing- the plastic surgery and the weight loss. The modeling agency probably told Dina what she needed to do to Ali to get her up to passable model standards.

        I have no doubt Dina is encouraging the weight loss and splurged to get Ali the plastic surgery. Dina is probably getting 10% of whatever Ali is making too.

      • bluhare says:

        I think she’s very pretty at a normal weight.

  23. Pauline Bernoski says:

    That family is disgusting!

  24. PyCaramel says:

    Lindsay looks like a 50 year old base-head now but she still got all the looks in the family…I’d hate to be the younger, unattractive sister living in somebody’s shadow.

  25. LeeLoo says:

    Radar went overboard with calling her a death camp survivor. Anyone who has seen the pictures of death camp survivors knows she is not that thin.

    I think Ali is going to be the one who eventually rebels against being pimped out. I just hope it is before something awful happens.

  26. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    I hope Ali rebels along with the Duggar gals and Katie Holmes.

  27. Cathy says:

    She looks like hell, somebody take her to a stylist and a nutritionist. She could probably be a pretty young lady if she could get away from that bitch Dina and her dumbass sister

  28. gab says:

    Stupid bimbo thinks she is a model.

  29. ??? says:

    I thought plastic surgery was supposed to make people look better.

  30. DarkEmpress says:

    Why was she home schooled? This is the problem with Dina Lohan, she is the worst parent and she keeps her children sheltered from reality so that they have no idea what normal is or how to behave in society. If Ali had gone to school and was not always hanging around her sister who must be a horrible influence, maybe she would be a healthy normal 18 year old.

    • Lady D says:

      She probably got a hard time over her sister’s antics. Falling out of bars, flashing her biscuits, theft of furs, court, kissing filthy sidewalks, sucking face with her mother, etc. I feel sorry for little bro. The look on his face when that pic of his mom & sis kissing showed up. Poor kid.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      The brother older than Ali but younger than Linnocent gave an interview (can’t remember where) that Dina basically told the kids they couldn’t trust anyone but immediate family (not MiLo, natch) because everyone was out to get them/use them, so they were very reliant upon one another and distrustful of everyone.

      Those poor kids (at the time) were basically indoctrinated into the Lohan Church of Distrust and Denial, courtesy of WO. She should be shot.

  31. Happy21 says:

    She just looks like death period. Not a survivor of anything and as long as she keeps up the charade of claiming there is nothing wrong and she is fine, she will BE death. She looks terrible.

  32. Nibbi says:

    maybe she’s just damn skinny. it’s easy when you’re 18, don’t necessarily have to do much of you have a young, “high” metabolism. i did when i was that age and i certainly didn’t do anything to starve myself.
    on the other hand, i was in no way a model…

  33. connie says:

    I am sorry, but ali USED to be a very cute “normal looking” teenager. Now she looks terrible & i agree with other posters that I dont consider her model material, not in terms of being beautiful or incredibly interesting looking, but comparitavely her looks are a downgrade at this weight

  34. Sophie says:

    I don’t think she looks anymore anorexic than your typical model. Also, I think she’s very pretty.

    • Happy21 says:

      I agree. She doesn’t. The difference is that she looks very sick. Most models who are starving themselves or purging have better colour and somehow manage to look like they are among the living. Ali Lohan looks malnourished and sick.

      I think its terrible that people think that ‘models’ of people should look this thin. Where did it start and where will it end?

  35. bitca says:

    Ali was never ‘ugly;’ she just seemed like a teen at an awkward stage, & lacks the charisma her elder sister once possessed. But now, it’s not just weight loss; her eyes look DEAD.

    Still, if she overcomes the name-notoriety, can see Ali MarkII getting gigs as a walking clothes-hanger during fashion weeks. After all that ‘home-schooling,’ it’s not like she’s going to enter college: she needs a job. Somebody’s gotta contribute to Mom’s Blow Fund.

  36. Turtle Dove says:

    She’s definitely the prettier Lohan now. I hope that she doesn’t tinker with her face anymore.

    She’s modelling and they are skinny (as we all know), but she is not super tall. Losing some extra pounds will give her the visual appearance of being taller.

  37. RobN says:

    I don’t see pretty or interesting; I see a sallow, unhealthy girl who looks 38 instead of 18.

  38. skuddles says:

    I see the crazy bug has bitten her ass just like every other member of that insane family. Either she’s anorexic, bulimic or has a drug problem – or maybe all three.

  39. the original bellaluna says:

    Whatever the case, she’s NOT healthy.

  40. JuliaDomna says:

    Her skinniness looks beyond forced. Modeling is not for her. She should be going to college, preferably somewhere abroad so that she can spend time away from her toxic family and figure out who she is.

  41. anne says:

    I wouldn’t give her a second look except to have pitty on “this poor malnourished person”

  42. Bess says:

    More photos of Ali in Hawaii.

    I can’t believe this is normal model weight.


  43. Mayday says:

    Why does no one ever point out how much she looks like SAM RONSON

  44. Lisa says:

    Minus points for the analogy. But she does look drawn.

  45. OfficialBitch says:

    If by ‘starvation diet’ you mean COCAINE diet, then yes, you are right on the money.

  46. Carobell says:

    I have good friend who just got out of 12 weeks of inpatient for anorexia (her second hospitalization). I ignore a lot of the posts regarding other celebrities because I know what an eating disorder actually looks like.

    Regardless of the reason, Ali’s face is starting to resemble my friends at her low point, where she had no cheeks to speak off, just skin over bone. I feel sorry for her. Anorexia isn’t funny.

    If this is her cry for help, I wonder if there is anyone left around her who can actually step in?

  47. DeeVine says:

    Poor girl. With Dina as mother, Lindsey as sister, and Michael as father, this kid doesn’t have a fighting chance at being normal. I just can’t make any snide remarks about her as I think she is a helpless victim here.

  48. Michelle says:

    I am sorry but she is just fugly. She is too skinny, and she has had some type of work done to her face; I don’t care what she says.

  49. Hakura says:

    I *really* think the comments about her being a “…wannabe junkie starlet..” or “famewhore” are nasty & unnecessary. This girl never stood a chance. How can anyone not pity her?

    She’s spent her life ‘raised’ by Dina Lohan, (not even getting to have the normal experience of ‘school’ as she was ‘home-schooled’ while dragged around in the shadow of Lindsay’s career). All the while forced into all means of child ‘singing/showbiz/modelling’ classes, pressured (like the older sister she idealizes) to do whatever’s necessary to achieve fame & money, even substance abuse & eating disorders.

    Dina’s probably even convinced her (as she did Lindsay) that she’s doing this all for them, gave up so much supporting their ‘talents’ with expensive classes & tons of personal sacrifice… That they owe her a ‘little’ in return, some ‘fame’, their paychecks’, & complete ‘control’ over their career paths/personal lives. But she ‘only wants what’s best for them’.

    I won’t even get into Micheal, their ‘father’. They all just started *out* in the hole with those genetics.

    I don’t make excuses for people, but you don’t come away from this type of life in one piece 95% of the time. The other 5% is only with physical/emotional scars, years in rehab &/or prison) & extensive therapy.

  50. GirlyGirl says:


    I’d say she looks like on that might not make it…

  51. Lady Satan says:

    So much for the fashion industries efforts to curb eating disorders in models. *eyeroll* That lasted what, all of three, four months?

    This girl is far too thin, sickly looking, and has zero muscle tone. I’d say she has an eating disorder and (given the family history) probably some substance abuse issues as well (to get/stay that thin). I hope someone intervenes before things go any further.

  52. Jenna says:

    I feel bad for her… I hope she gets better soon, gains some weight. Poor Ali 🙁

  53. Jenna says:

    PS… that dead eye look is usually attributed to drugs. FYI.

  54. tellitmore says:

    She’s a typical underweight supermodel,
    no thinner than others in her profession.
    Also it’s probably impossible for a 5’9′
    woman to weigh less than 100 pounds.

  55. Shona says:

    This family is NOT beautiful how they get the contracts is beyond me.

  56. harfang says:

    I personally find it really inappropriate to reference the death camps, specifically, in this manner. I would have been totally fine with “Bergen-Belsen survivor” or “Dachau survivor,” however. Careful when studying the Jewish Holocaust, kids: it’ll mess up your mind.

    So anyway, I envision that in the next 5 to 10 years, an organization will start and thrive in LA and NYC that intervenes on behalf of and rescues certain kids and young adults from their damaging families of origin. Poor kid.

  57. Sari says:

    She is not anorexic, she has a drug problem. Its called ADDERALL. It takes years to get that skinny when you starve yourself but not when you take addys. she didnt do anything to lose the weight except pop pills